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What is TecDoc


Spare parts catalogue with vehicle and article information from around the world.

The TecDoc Catalogue offers current and comprehensive data for the identification and provision of parts – in a standardised data format. Our catalogue provides workshop professionals with comprehensive vehicle identification information and allows the appropriate selection of vehicle spare parts.


TecDoc Catalogue DVD comprises the following components


  • The world’s largest vehicle database with more than 137,500 unique vehicle types
  • 5,400,000 standardised product descriptions and numerous images in 29 languages
  • Technical data for repairs and maintenance of cars and trucks
  • Advanced search options: via selection of vehicle manufacturer – the model series, engine, axle, universal parts search, the typical parts search tree by component, and direct article search (through article, OEM, IAM, or Trade Number)
  • Vehicle identification by KBA number
  • Installation instructions
  • Indication of recommended retail prices

Key Figures

  • Worldwide vehicle base: 68,500 car types, 62,500 commercial vehicle types and 7,000 motorcycles
  • More than 5 million product articles with approx. 186 million vehicle links
  • Standardised in 29 languages


Supported Languages

Deutsch, English, Francais, Italiano, Espanol, Nederlands, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi, Magyar, Portugues, Slovencina, Ceština, Polski, Româna, Turkce, Srpski, Hrvatski, Latviešu, Lietuviu, Esti, Slovenski, Icelandic, Portugues


Supported Operating Systems


Windows Vista 32bit (x86), Windows Vista 64bit (x64)
Windows 7 32bit (x86), Windows 7 64bit (x64)
Windows 8 32bit (x86), Windows 8 64bit (x64)
Windows 10 32bit (x86), Windows 10 64bit (x64)


It will be on Virtualbox image, no activation is needed as it is already activated and will never expire. Just install Virtualbox software and its extension pack, load the image and that’s it!

  • Return Policy

    No returns on digital products

    full support will be given

£19,00 Regulær pris
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